Decision of the Russian Duma: Electronic draft notice allowed

As of: 04/11/2023 7:05 p.m

Farewell to registered mail: The Russian parliament has approved the electronic delivery of a draft notice for the army. At the same time, potential penalties have been tightened.

By Christina Nagel, ARD Studio Moscow

394 yes votes, no dissenting votes, one abstention: The members of the Russian lower house have thus set the course for a change in the law that is of particular concern to young men. Because the authorities will have it much easier in the future to access conscripts. Regardless of whether it is about regular military service. Or a mobilization.

Exit ban valid from delivery

Previously, a draft notice had to be sent directly to the person concerned by registered mail or forwarded via his employer, but in future electronic requests will also be possible, explained the head of the Defense Committee, Andrei Kartapolow.

Electronic notifications are deemed to have been delivered from the moment they are delivered in a citizen’s personal profile on the relevant portal. Written summonses, on the other hand, apply from the time they are served and handed over against a signature, but also if receipt is refused. From this moment on, the person concerned will be subject to an exit ban in the future.

Severe penalties for non-compliance

According to Kartapolov, if a conscript does not respond to corresponding reporting requests over a longer period of time, the authorities can take further measures. “The restrictive measures include driving bans, a ban on registering vehicles, registering businesses or self-employment, a ban on registering real estate or land and taking out loans or credit.”

Further restrictions may be imposed regionally. For example, cuts in social benefits are possible. Massive cuts and restrictions, which Kartapolov believes are justified. After all, it’s about law and justice, “because serving in the armed forces is the sacred duty of every citizen, a constitutionally enshrined duty of honor.”

Kartapolov praised the draft law to fulfill this obligation, which would become much easier in the future. Since conscripts could now keep their data up to date electronically.

Beware of further mobilization

During the first partial mobilization it was noticed that a lot of the data was out of date. Men who should have been mobilized could not be found. This is now set to change with the help of an updated register that makes those affected responsible for themselves.

But that doesn’t mean that a second wave of mobilization is imminent, stressed the authors of the amendment.

However, there is a great concern that this could happen. Especially given the pace the legislators are showing. The Russian upper house, the Federation Council, could vote on the amendment to the law as early as tomorrow. Then all that’s missing is the President’s signature.

Russia: Duma facilitates conscription of conscripts

Christina Nagel, ARD Moscow, April 11, 2023 5:22 p.m

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