Decipher secret language – careers –

The legislature forbids negative evaluations in job references, so a kind of secret language has developed. By no means all authors of certificates are proficient in the secret codes, and the addressees cannot always decipher them reliably either. Here some examples:

Unable. “He made an effort to meet the requirements” or “He made an effort within the scope of his abilities” means translated: “The employee was incompetent.”

Careless. “He knew how to successfully delegate all tasks.” What is meant is: “He was lazy.” Or: “She set about the tasks assigned to her with great enthusiasm.” What is meant is: “They spread chaos.”

Dependent. “Her punctuality made her a good example.” What is meant is: “Unfortunately, she was not more than punctual.” Or: “She did all the work properly.” What is meant is: “She only did what she was told and showed no initiative.”

Cocky. “He had specialist knowledge and a healthy level of self-confidence.” What is meant is: “He compensated for inadequate specialist knowledge with arrogance.” Or: “She was capable and knew how to sell well.” What is meant is: “She was an annoying busywoman.”

Difficult. “He was a demanding and critical employee.” What is meant is: “He was difficult to deal with and was noticed by extensive complaining.” Or: “He was able to express his opinion.” What is meant is: “He cannot take any criticism.”

Tactless. “She showed a refreshing way of dealing with colleagues and superiors.” What is meant is: “She is cheeky and talkative.” Or: “His sociability helped improve the working atmosphere.” What is meant is: “He had a serious drinking problem.”

Uncomfortable. “He was committed to the interests of his colleagues, both inside and outside the company.” What is meant is: “He was involved in a union.”

There are also other techniques for criticizing hidden criticism in testimonials.

Blanks. A bad rating can be avoided if certain work areas are simply hidden. This is particularly noticeable when the missing areas are actually important for the job.

Emphasis. The focus is on trivialities, such as the organization of a company outing. Important work areas are either mentioned later in the certificate or are hardly emphasized.

Scarcity. The certificate only contains the most necessary information. With a particularly concise form, a low appreciation of the employee can be expressed.

Contradiction. Hidden contradictions hide a negative rating. An employee is described as self-employed, for example, but only “if he can work according to specified guidelines”.


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