Debate about booster: Medical President criticizes third-party vaccinations without recommendation

Status: 02.09.2021 5:25 a.m.

Medical President Reinhardt has criticized the fact that booster vaccinations are offered without a STIKO recommendation. There was a lack of meaningful studies. This creates expectations that many doctors do not want to serve.

In the debate about booster vaccinations, Medical President Klaus Reinhardt criticized the fact that they were offered without the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO). In theory, there is a lot to be said for it, he told the editorial network in Germany. “According to the current state of knowledge and the opinion of well-known experts, however, it is not immediately necessary for most people who have been vaccinated.”

Overall, there was still a lack of meaningful studies on whether, when and for whom a so-called booster vaccination was necessary. “So politicians have stoked expectations among patients that many doctors do not want to serve without a scientifically based vaccination recommendation,” said Reinhardt. He called the procedure a mistake by the federal and state governments.

According to the report, aiming for a timely recommendation

Several federal states have started offering people in need of care, over 80s and people with immunodeficiency the third vaccination if the last one was at least six months ago. The STIKO is planning a recommendation as soon as possible, as its boss Thomas Mertens had told the German press agency. The processing of the available data is in full swing. However, he cannot yet agree on an exact date.

Yesterday, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) called for the STIKO to be positioned. KBV boss Andreas Gassen said in the rbb, he hopes that the STIKO will formulate a corresponding recommendation “relatively soon”. That would also simplify the discussion with patients.

Gassen: The pandemic will probably be over in the spring

The “Rheinische Post” now also told Gassen that he expected the corona pandemic to end soon. “I assume that Corona will end in spring 2022,” he said. This assessment is also shared by renowned scientists. By spring, the vaccination rate will continue to rise and, above all, the number of those who have recovered with antibodies will also increase. “Restrictions will then probably become completely unnecessary.”

The number of infections would rise again in autumn. Nevertheless, he sees “in the medical profession no major concerns that the health system could collapse. The number of serious illnesses will remain well below the level of last winter,” said Gassen.

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