Death toll drops 14% in November compared to 2019

If we compare to the figure for the same period in 2019, the number of people killed on the roads of mainland France fell by 14% in November. 221 people died this month, according to estimates released Friday by Road Safety.

If the comparison is not made with 2020, it is because the Covid-19 crisis has led to a change in travel habits, in particular during confinement. As a result, the death toll in November 2020 was much lower than this year: 28% less.

More deaths among young people

This decrease compared to November 2019 is particularly significant among those over 65: 61 died in a road accident, or 27 less than in the same month two years ago. Pedestrian mortality is also declining, as is that of two-wheelers and motorists.

On the other hand, the mortality of young adults is on the rise. Among 18-24 year olds, 42 died in November, 10 more than in the same month in 2020 and 13 more than in 2019. As regards bodily accidents (4,366), they are less numerous than those recorded during the same period in 2019 (4,625).

Fewer accidents in the Overseas Territories too

Unlike road fatalities, traffic is on the rise compared to last year (+ 35%), according to Road Safety, which quotes Cerema (Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the environment).

Regarding overseas, 30 people were killed in a road accident in November 2021 (against 24 in November 2020 and 39 in November 2019). The number of bodily accidents recorded in overseas territories by the police stood at 272 in November 2021 (252 in November 2020, 268 in November 2019). During these accidents, 316 people were injured, compared to 322 in November 2020 and 341 in November 2019.

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