Death row inmate Melissa Lucio: Hope for a new procedure – Panorama

Melissa Lucio is accused of murdering her daughter and maintains her innocence. Now her execution has been stayed. But the U.S. justice system is making it increasingly difficult for inmates like you to appeal questionable verdicts.


Moritz Geier

So Melissa Lucio survived it after all, the anniversary of her death. She already knew how she would die on April 27, 2022, that high-dose pentobarbital would flow through the needle of a syringe into her vein and through the vein to her heart. Maybe someone explained to her how to proceed. That her heart pumps the poison into the brain and into the nerve cells of the whole body. That the poison dims brain activity like a light switch. That she just falls asleep. That everything in the body slows down until it stops working, the stomach, the heart, the breathing.

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