Death of Tina Turner: These books and CDs remember her

death of an icon
Tina Turner had an extraordinary life – these things will forever remind you

An incredibly strong woman with a powerful voice has left us: Tina Turner.

© Steffen Schmidt/Keystone/epa/dpa

Tina Turner passed away at the age of 83. She will be remembered for her music, her books and her eventful biography.

Rock tube, mother, wife: Tina Turner has had a number of roles and names that fit her in her life. Above all, she was an admirably strong woman with an extraordinary biography. She made a career in the music industry late – but then really took off. It was only later that she found happiness in love. She lost two sons. But always got up. And even after her death, Tina Turner will be remembered.

Tina Turner: These books reveal a lot about her life

After Tina Turner’s death, anyone interested in her biography will read her autobiography “My Love Story” learn a lot about them. A life-threatening illness that she was able to overcome, the long-awaited happiness in love and many obstacles that the singer faced are themes that find their place in the book. As well as numerous photos from Tina Turner’s private collection. A nice reminder of the icon.

But also in her own book “happiness” fans and readers learn a lot about the thoughts of the deceased musician. In the “spiritual autobiography” Turner reports on what helped her to master difficult situations. Tina Turner was a practicing Buddhist for decades and takes readers into her meditation practice, shares secrets to success and happiness, and private photos. Worth reading and certainly helpful for many. And: a part of Turner’s world of ideas that will remain and that she wanted to pass on through her book.

The Tina Turner Musical

Of course, Tina Turner will also be remembered for what is named after her musical, which can currently be seen in Stuttgart. It tells about her childhood, domestic violence and her rise. Emotional and entertaining insights into their lives are conveyed.

Tina Turner fan merchandise

There are books and the musical to learn more about Tina Turner’s life. There are their CDsto honor their music. But there are also fan items that should honor the singer while she was still alive. They ensure that the icon will continue to stay in people’s minds. These include:

But even without fan articles, the music icon will certainly be remembered: through her talent, her perseverance and her positive attitude towards life. An extraordinary woman who will never be forgotten.

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