Death of the Queen: coffin arrived in Parliament

After the death of Queen Elizabeth II.:The Queen’s coffin arrived at Parliament

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  • After the procession, the coffin has arrived at Westminster Hall, where the British can say goodbye to their Queen.
  • Thousands of people gather in London to witness the procession of the Queen’s coffin from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall.
  • King Charles III after the death of his mother, inherits millions tax-free.
  • There is a fuss about staff restructuring at the palace.
  • From this Wednesday, people in the British capital can say goodbye to the Queen.
  • Chancellor Scholz and former Chancellor Merkel sign the book of condolences at the British Embassy in Berlin.

By SZ authors

Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest reigning monarch, has died at the age of 96. Her son Charles succeeds her as king. All developments in the live blog:

With material from the news agencies

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