death of a caver in an old underground mine in Ariège

He would probably have made a faint. A 67-year-old caver died Thursday, during an outing in the cave of Larbont (Ariège), an old underground Gallo-Roman mine, we learned from the emergency services on Friday.

“It’s not an accident. He was climbing up the rope and was probably uneasy, ”said Florence Guillot, from Spéléo-Secours Ariège, whose volunteers brought the body to the surface, in collaboration with the firefighters.

45 meters underground

This man, “well known for more than 30 years” by Ariège speleologists, had participated in studies on the mine where he died, 45 meters underground, said Florence Guillot.

The Foix prosecutor opened an investigation to determine the causes of this death.

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