death of a 73-year-old man, found in his car

DAMIEN MEYER / AFP A man died in Loire-Atlantique, the Nantes prosecutor’s office announced on January 3, 2024.


A man died in Loire-Atlantique, the Nantes prosecutor’s office announced on January 3, 2024.

FLOODS – Floods in Loire-Atlantique have caused at least one victim. A 73-year-old man was discovered dead in his partially submerged car this Wednesday, January 3 afternoon, AFP learned from the Nantes prosecutor’s office.

The alert was given early Tuesday afternoon by Bernard Huchet’s partner, the Nantes public prosecutor, Renaud Gaudel, explained on WhatsApp. The name of the victim was specified by France blue.

She was worried not to see the man come home even though he had gone in the morning to look for bread in the town of Saffré, north of Nantes and southwest of Chateaubriant.

River in flood

Early Wednesday afternoon, a witness “ reported that the trunk of a vehicle was emerging from a swollen river at a ford crossing”detailed the magistrate.

“A new intervention by divers from the Nantes gendarmerie made it possible to discover the lifeless body of the wanted man inside the vehicle”said the prosecutor, adding: “ everything suggests that the person concerned took this route which was nevertheless cut off from traffic”.

The continued rise in water levels is also causing concern in the north of France. In addition to the Aa classified in red, 11 rivers in the north-eastern quarter of France are classified in orange, in Pas-de-Calais, but also the North, the Aisne, the Ardennes, the Meuse, Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle.

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