Death drive in Wisconsin: arrested man was probably on the run

Dead on Christmas parade
Wisconsin death driver was apparently on the run

Police officers on the main street of Waukesha, Wisconsin which has been a crime scene since Sunday’s death drive.

© John Hart / Wisconsin State Journal / AP / DPA

Why was the driver of an SUV driving recklessly through a Christmas parade in Waukesha town? According to initial investigations, the man was on the run because of another incident.

According to media reports, the driver who sped on a Christmas parade in the US state of Wisconsin and killed five people may have been on the run after another incident. The US broadcaster CNN and NBC reported on Monday, citing investigators, that there are no known links between the arrested person and terrorism.

There was also no evidence that the incident was related to Friday’s acquittal for 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two demonstrators in August 2020 on the sidelines of anti-racism protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin injured a third man.

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According to the US media reports, there is much more evidence that the driver was on the run after another incident. NBC, which gives the suspect’s age at 39, reports that it may have been a fight with a knife.

The man raced in a red SUV in a Christmas parade in the city of Waukesha in the greater Milwaukee area last Sunday. At least five people were killed and 40 injured, including many children.


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