DBFlash, the anti-noise radar developed at Ecully

Beware of pierced or tampered with exhaust pipes. Or motorcycles that are too loud. Seven anti-noise radars have been or will be installed in eight communities in France in order to track down vehicles that are too noisy, which would exceed 90 decibels. An experiment, for now. The first measures will indeed serve to refine the alert threshold.

These radars were developed by the Bruitparif observatory and two French companies, including the company MicrodB, based in Ecully near Lyon. “This is a project on which we have been working for a long time,” reveals Lucille Pinel, the director of the company, specializing in the development of tools to isolate sources of noise.

Unseal tampered engines

The dBFlash prototype, designed in the Rhône, is currently being tested in Yvelines and will be in Bron within a few weeks. It will be installed on avenue Camille Rousset. A “very busy axis” even “if it is not the best known”, according to Marion Carrier, deputy of the city of Bron in charge of roads, mobility and transport. “The site in question met all the criteria: not to be too close to traffic lights or speed bumps, which require motorists to slow down, which could interfere with the experiment. The axis, used regularly by motorcyclists, also offers a very clear view, ”she explains.

“The system will make it possible to study the dimension of noise pollution and to unseal tampered engines. This is a common phenomenon among the two-wheelers that we have observed in Bron but more generally in the metropolis of Lyon ”, adds the elected official taking care not to refer to the urban rodeos of which the city has been the scene, few months ago.

Directional sound level meter

The Rhone prototype offers a technology different from the others: a “directive” sound level meter. “The device includes a network of microphones that allows noise to be measured in a single direction, bypassing all other surrounding noise sources,” says Lucille Pinel. The tool thus accurately captures the sound level emitted by a single vehicle. The camera, associated with the device, records the license plate of the offender.

In the event of an offense, motorists and motorcyclists may be subject to a fine of 135 euros. The fines could be issued next fall. Not before. “During this year, we are going to develop the final product to make sure that it is mastered. We remember the hiccups of the first speed cameras. The second step will consist in obtaining LNE approval, ”explains the director of MicrodB. If the national metrology and testing laboratory gives the green light, the company could market its radars in 2024, for an amount that has not yet been set.

Low-profit tools

“These tools will be much less lucrative than speed cameras because bothersome vehicles, which exceed the authorized threshold, represent only 1% of traffic, reveals Lucille Pinel. You can’t sell them for the same price as a speed camera. “

Especially since it is this time the metropolises and the communities of municipalities that will be responsible for buying them and not the State. If the experiment is successful, the radars will be installed on a larger scale in traffic areas limited to 50 km / h. “Clearly, it is impossible for the four cylinders to exceed the authorized noise limit,” concludes Lucille Pinel.

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