David Beckham reveals Victoria has been eating the same dish for 25 years

Podcast Interview
David Beckham reveals Victoria has been eating the same dish for 25 years

David and Victoria Beckham have been married since 1999

© Marechal Aurore/ABACA / Picture Alliance

He is a passionate cook, she has been on a diet for 25 years: ex-soccer player David Beckham now chatted in a podcast about his wife Victoria’s eating habits.

Whether fish, meat or vegetables: David Beckham is a passionate cook and likes to try out new recipes. He recently published a video on his Instagram account showing him preparing a Chinese dish. He was even allowed to sizzle in the kitchen of his good friend, professional chef Gordon Ramsay. He also likes to stand at the stove for his family, as the 46-year-old now revealed in the podcast “River Cafe Table 4”. He loves to cook for friends, his parents and his children, Beckham said. Only one does not appear in the list: wife Victoria.

The 47-year-old is known for following a strict diet and being meticulous about what goes on her plate. In the same podcast she reported last year that she abhors any form of fat, oil and sauce. Her favorite food is whole grain toast with a pinch of salt – without butter. “For most restaurants, I’m probably their worst nightmare. I like things to be prepared very simply,” said Victoria Beckham.

Victoria Beckham only eats grilled fish and steamed vegetables

But the British woman doesn’t just scorn restaurant food, she also scorns the delicacies prepared by her husband David. “I get quite emotional with wine and food. When I eat something good, I want everyone to try it. Unfortunately, I’m married to someone who has been eating the same thing for 25 years. For as long as I’ve known Victoria, she’s only eaten grilled fish and steamed vegetables,” David Beckham said on the podcast.

The only time she made an exception was when she was pregnant with her daughter Harper. “She tried something off my plate. It was absolutely amazing. It was one of my favorite nights. I don’t remember what it was, but I know she hasn’t eaten it since,” said Beckham.

Victoria’s frailty doesn’t seem to hurt her marriage: the couple is celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary this year.


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