Date is set: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange marries in a kilt

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Wikileaks founder Julian Assange marries behind bars – the outfit is donated by design icon Vivienne Westwood

Julian Assange and his partner Stella Moris are planning a prison wedding.

© star combo: empics | Dominic Lipinski/Kirsty Wigglesworth/Picture Alliance/DPA

For months, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and his partner Stella Moris fought to get married behind Swedish curtains. The date for the ceremony is now set.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange marries. On March 23 he wants to marry his partner, the lawyer Stella Moris – behind Swedish curtains, in the maximum security prison Belmarsh in London. “It’s not the wedding we would have planned, in a church out in the world surrounded by family and friends,” Moris told the Daily Mail. But they decided not to wait any longer and to take their lives into their own hands.

A small ceremony is planned for lunchtime. Designer Vivienne Westwood, who has supported Assange for some time, will provide the right outfit. Assange will wear a kilt in honor of his Scottish roots, Moris a floor-length dress with a typical Westwood corset. According to the report, in addition to Assange and Moris, their two sons will also be present. A total of four guests and two witnesses are reported. Why a wedding behind bars? “We’re doing it for love, for each other, for our sons and because Julian’s life has been put on hold for long enough, which has cost him years with his family, and that’s unacceptable,” Moris said.

Julian Assange faces up to 175 years in prison

According to the Daily Mail, the couple are hoping for a proper wedding celebration after Assange’s sacking. At the moment this is wishful thinking. There is no telling that Assange will be a free man any time soon (or ever again). But as we all know, hope dies last. After all, the two have no illusions about a possible honeymoon. Moris said: “To be at home together one day is the most exotic destination we can imagine.”

A lengthy extradition process is under way in Great Britain against the native Australian. The US judiciary wants to put Assange on trial for allegations of espionage. He faces up to 175 years in prison. He is said to have endangered the lives of US informants by publishing stolen secret documents from US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His supporters, on the other hand, see him as a journalist who brought war crimes to light.

Moris and Assange met about ten years ago when she became one of Wikileaks’ lawyers. They got engaged while Assange was living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. They wanted to prevent the 50-year-old from being extradited to the United States. In 2019 Assange was brought out of exile, arrested and taken to Belmarsh. There his health deteriorated. Last year he suffered a minor stroke. The couple has also been wanting to marry since last year, which is why they filed a complaint with the British Minister of Justice in October.

Source. Daily Mail

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