Data protection: Google has to pay almost 392 million dollars in the USA

Google has to pay almost 392 million dollars in the USA

Google has been fined millions in the US. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

It is about location data from users that Google has collected without their consent. There is now a hefty fine for this in the USA.

Google pays nearly $392 million after US investigation into misleading privacy claims In the investigation, attorneys general for 40 states concluded that Google continued to collect location data from users after users opted out.

The $391.5 million (around €379 million) will be split between the states, according to a statement by New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday.

The prosecutors general criticized the fact that Google had given users the option to refuse the storage of their location data. However, they were not informed that Google apps also automatically collect position data.

In the agreement with the Attorneys General, Google also committed to better informing users about the collection of their location data and ways to turn it off. A Google spokesman told the New York Times that the investigation involved procedures that had been changed years ago.


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