Data from Google Trends reveals that Metaverse searches, or NFTs, are steadily declining in 2022.

While global search interest for the terms “metaverse” and “NFT” is growing sharply in the last quarter of 2021, Google Trends data shows that the terms may begin to fade in February 2022.

Google Trends shows that over the past 12 months, “metaverse” searches have increased from October to December 2021. However, since early 2022, search interest has been steadily declining. by hitting its lowest point in March.

In addition to the term “metaverse,” data shows that global “NFT” searches have also started to decline this year. However, the decline in NFT is more noticeable. As it hit a record high in 2021, then fell sharply in the first quarter of 2022.

in the last 12 months Users from Turkey are intop Cyprus and Lebanon followed closely in fourth and fifth place.

Meanwhile, Singapore occupyThe highest position on the list of regional interests in the past 12 months for the term “NFT,” followed by Hong Kong, China, Canada and the Philippines.

back in december The global search interest for “NFTs” has surpassed “crypto” for the first time. In addition, the monthly trading volume on the NFT OpenSea market has reached a record high.

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