Dark clouds over German contribution

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According to his own statement, Isaak wants to achieve no less than first place for Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest. But dark clouds are gathering before the finale.

Malmö – Isaak (29) is not lacking in optimism before the Eurovision Song Contest, you have to give him that. The German representative at the ESC did not set a decent placing as his goal and certainly not to come “last”. But victory! He explained this when asked RNDwhether he wanted to win. “Yes – who doesn’t? What a question! Of course I want to win. Who says: ‘I would like to be in twelfth place at the end?’ I want to win the ESC.”

“And next year the ESC will be in Espelkamp”: Isaak wants to win the Eurovision Song Contest

When asked whether he sees an opportunity there, Isaak says: “I’m optimistic.” Then he laughs: “And next year the ESC will be in Espelkamp.” Espelkamp is his adopted home, a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia Isaak Guderian lives with his wife Loreen and their two sons. And where many are keeping their fingers crossed for him at a public viewing in the community center on Saturday.

Isaak was a little more defensive when it came to setting goals express.de published interview with the Teleshow: “A last place finish wouldn’t destroy my world, I’m sure of that. But I would be super happy if I got into the top ten. It wouldn’t matter to me at all which place I ended up in.”

Eurovision Song Contest: Isaak from Germany is not doing well in the betting odds

But shortly before the Eurovision Song Contest on May 11th, more and more dark clouds are gathering over the German entry. First of all, there are the betting odds: On Friday at 10:30 a.m., Isaak was in the overall ranking of various bookmakers eurovisionworld.com just 22nd place among 26 nations. The fact that he had climbed to 19th place on Friday at 3 p.m. only makes us slightly more hopeful.

In addition, there is the ESC starting number: Isaak already has to sing in third place, directly after the co-favorites from Ukraine. There are also 23 acts after him – plenty of time for the German contribution to have already been forgotten. But others also see positive signs in the starting order for the Eurovision Song Contest published on Friday.

ESC expert: “For Germany, the field of favorites is just a pipe dream”

ESC expert Mario Hanousek from Austria also expects an Isaak flop. The Austrian has been blogging for years – also on Instagram – about the Eurovision Song Contest, was even on site for our network as a reporter at the ESC in Turin in 2022. His assessment: “For Germany, the field of favorites is just a pipe dream.” Hanousek continues: “If you go by the assessments of many experts, the big hit is unlikely to happen this year either. Despite the great fire show on stage, Isaak will not be able to make a big splash with his radio number in the end – but will end up at the back.” He adds: “But you have to give it to Isaak, his voice is one of the best in the competition.”

Also when voting on the IPPEN.MEDIA-Portals are looking bleak. More than 20,000 votes have been received since April 15th. Of these, more than half expect last place for Isaak. You can vote above and then see the detailed interim results.

Eurovision Song Contest: Isaak from Germany in a good mood before the finale

A bit of a lot of negative points for a respectable success for Isaak on Saturday – or even for fulfilling his personal goal of winning the Eurovision Song Contest. After all: He appears to be in a good mood; on Instagram you can see him teaching the actual top favorite from Croatia a German saying. Isaak is collecting new fans and lots of sympathy, as can be seen in the social media comments.

Isaak for Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest: “I’m performing with the best fervor that I can offer”

A placement disaster like the German ESC participants had experienced in previous years wouldn’t throw the 29-year-old off course. He recently emphasized this on the couch in the NDR magazine THE!: “Isaac existed before, and there will be Isaac after. And I go there as I am. And I’m working my ass off as best I can. I perform with the best fervor that I can offer.” Many millions of ESC viewers will find out what it looks and sounds like on Saturday evening on TV and live stream – as well as in our live ticker for the Eurovision Song Contest. (lin) Sources used: RND, Express.de, eurovisionworld.com, Mario Hanousek, IPPEN.MEDIA voting, Instagram, THAT!

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