Daniela Katzenberger gives everything: preparation for Florian Silbereisen

Daniela Katzenberger gives everything
Preparation for Florian Silbereisen

Lucas Cordalis and Daniela Katzenberger on the smallest couch in the world.


For an appearance at Florian Silbereisen, the cat definitely wants to fit into her old jeans, so you have to do sports.

Anyone who wants to be “beautiful” has to suffer and does so Daniela Katzenberger (36) in detail in the new episode of “Daniela Katzenberger – Familienglück auf Mallorca” (Wednesdays, 8:15 p.m., RTLzwei). In addition to sweaty hours with a personal trainer, she also has to say goodbye to her beloved couch.

The cat’s planned singing career gives the cat a new nervous breakdown every week this season. After singing her first solo song and shooting her music video, the latest challenge awaits: a live performance with Florian Silbereisen (41). A great opportunity, but at the same time a nightmare for Daniela: “I always have the feeling that everyone trusts me, just not me.”

Daniela Katzenberger at boot camp

In order to get the self-confidence up to the performance on stage, there is another task to be mastered beforehand: the favorite jeans from seven years ago have to fit again. With a personal trainer, the self-proclaimed couch potato tries her hand at sports for the first time in years. The cat sweats and struggles with push-ups, squats and the like and after the first workout only has one question: “How am I supposed to sit on the toilet today.”

The couch potato days are over anyway. Lucas Cordalis (55) did the unbelievable and ordered a new sofa on his own. Now it’s time to say goodbye to your old favorite set. Daniela: “It’s like having to leave the womb.” She defends herself tooth and nail against her own birth and warns her husband: “I hate everything that’s new – that’s why I would never leave you.”

The new couch: “And where’s the rest?”

Her mood doesn’t improve when she sees the new, much smaller couch. The cat in disbelief: “And where is the rest?” Lucas, who of course didn’t measure anything beforehand and is now standing in front of the mini couch, has to admit: “It was really a grab for the toilet.” The cat can’t believe it: “I just swapped a Porsche for a Trabi.”

Silbereisen, jeans, couch: In order to escape all the stress and get her stage fright under control, the cat finally gets the advice of a “tapping therapist”. There she should name her fears and tap away with her fingers over a point under her collarbone. In fact, Dani feels relieved after the session: “It’s like dropping ballast. The backpack is still full, but not about to burst anymore.”


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