Daniel Harding and Renaud Capuçon with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra – Munich

Ultimately, it remains awkward to precede the full-length dimensions of a Bruckner symphony with another piece. The spellbinding effect of, as here, Anton Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony swallowed up the premiere of the charming 2nd Violin Concerto by the French composer Thierry Escaich, born in 1965, although the dedicatee Renaud Capuçon and the Munich Philharmonic under Daniel Harding staged the transformation-intensive piece in an almost sparkling manner . The way in which a huge orchestral apparatus with opulent percussion instruments never becomes cumbersome or even bulky, but always remains elastic and eloquent, is a testament to the best French tradition. Even the dark colors of the opening “ballad” don’t become dull or swampy. It goes without saying that the solo part is neither short on melodic lines nor on virtuoso splendor. Great applause for Capuçon and everyone involved, including the composer present.

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