Dagmar Wöhrl: “DHDL” investor was under police protection

Dagmar Woehrl
“DHDL” investor was under police protection

Dagmar Wöhrl was for the CDU in the Bundestag for more than 20 years.

© imago / Future Image

Dagmar Wöhrl was a CDU member of the Bundestag for 23 years. At first she was under police protection: a “manslaughter” threatened her over the phone.

Politicians are often the victims of death threats and are even under police protection. This is what happened to the current “Die Höhle der Löwen” investor, Dagmar Wöhrl (67), who was a member of the German Bundestag for the CDU from 1994 to 2017. As she now told the “Bild” newspaper on the sidelines of the “Ein Herz für Kinder” gala, she was under police protection for six months. “Shortly after I was elected to the Bundestag in 1994, I was harassed over the phone,” said Wöhrl.

At first it was insults, later there was also talk of “dismembering” and “I’ll put you in the coffin”. Her children were also threatened at the time. In the “Bild” live broadcast “Viertel nach Acht” she concretized the danger at the time: “It took almost six months to find him.” Calls could not be traced back then, but officials caught the perpetrator in a telephone booth in Düsseldorf.

Dagmar Wöhrl advises those affected to report them

It was even a “manslaughter”. She advises all those affected to file a complaint, which she herself did not do in a second case: “You don’t want to put the crazy people in the foreground, but today I would say: ‘Do it!'”


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