Dachau: Sustainable development of the Mühlbach district – Dachau

Isaria München Projektentwicklungs GmbH has been certified with gold status by the German Sustainable Building Council (DNGB). The DGNB certification is intended to guarantee the sustainable development of the new Mühlbach district in Dachau. “We think of sustainability holistically,” says David Christmann, spokesman for the Isaria management. “The new Mühlbachviertel will be a sustainable district. In an ecological and social sense. In order for this to succeed, the plans of the city of Dachau must be implemented sustainably in the development phase.” According to a press release, it is important to keep an eye on the entire lifespan of the real estate and the district: the construction process of the real estate, the operation of the objects and the design of the natural areas in the district. “For this we are being advised and monitored by the independent company DGNB.”

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