Dachau: In the summer months, there could be a shortage of blood donations – Dachau

Summer is here, the temperatures are high and the sea and mountains lure you into the holidays, the travel season has begun. The German Red Cross warns that there is a risk of an acute lack of blood donations, especially in the summer months – also in the Dachau district. In recent years, the district has always been in a good position in terms of willingness to donate. Compared to other Bavarian districts, the willingness to donate is actually higher in the Dachau district, says Bernhard Seidenath, chairman of the Dachau district association of the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK). That’s why he hopes that the district-wide donation dates will continue to be well – and “preferably better” – attended in the summer and beyond.

In the district, 5,200 citizens donate their blood every year, 20 percent of them are first-time donors. Particularly noteworthy: During the Corona peak phase, all donation dates were fully booked. “During this time, the willingness to help was particularly high.” One reason for this, according to Seidenath: “Of course the people were at home, which also contributed to the fact that a lot was donated”.

Further locations for blood donations are planned

About six years ago, the BRK district association took over the organization of the donation appointments from the Munich blood donation service, since then regular campaigns have taken place: in Dachau, Markt Indersdorf, Petershausen, Vierkirchen, Karlsfeld, Altomünster and since last March in Haimhausen. In addition, Seidenath would like to open more blood donation locations to make it easier for other potential donors to get there.

According to the BRK, just 240,000 people donate their blood in Bavaria every year. But on average, 2,000 blood units are used in Bavaria every day. In addition, a blood supply can only be kept for just under 42 days. This is why there are bottlenecks, especially in the summer months when many people travel.

Upcoming events in the district

This is one of the reasons why the BRK is currently emphasizing that a blood donation will help three people and that blood cannot be produced artificially, so donations are essential. Bernhard Seidenath is certain that all donors are lifesavers – without exception. Because: “The time that people take to donate blood is not wasted, it is essential for the survival of other people and can make the difference between their life and death.”

Anyone who would like to donate blood can do so on Friday, July 1, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Karlsfeld community center and on Tuesday, July 5, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Haimhausen elementary school. Interested parties can find further dates on the BRK website, where registration is also possible: www.blutspendedienst.com/blutspendetermine.

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