Cyberbullying, cloud market, fight against “false SMS” … The executive wants to “secure” the Internet

A “mixed” plan to regulate the Internet sphere. The government presents a bill on Wednesday against multiple sources of insecurity on the Internet. Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications, wants to restore “confidence in digital technology” and protect the youngest, most vulnerable or less tech-savvy Internet users.

The government wants to go further and give substance to several promises made by Emmanuel Macron, in particular the effective fight against children’s access to porn on the Internet and against cybercrime, with an “anti-scam filter”. In the first case, the bill strengthens the powers entrusted to Arcom, the audiovisual and digital media regulator, by allowing it to block “in a few weeks” and without a judge’s decision, pornographic sites that do not verify the age of their visitors.

Today, a third of 12-year-old children have been exposed to pornographic images, and Arcom is struggling to obtain the blocking by justice of the biggest players in the world who only require a simple declaration of majority. A first decision is expected in July.

A campaign against “fake SMS”

The government will also put in place a “bulwark against fake SMS campaigns”, the minister said. Concretely, this filter will intervene as soon as a malicious campaign is detected by a State service. This can then trigger the display of a warning message on the terminals of users wishing to access the fraudulent service. Discussions are underway with telecom operators and Internet browser publishers to achieve implementation.

Another flagship measure, the text provides for a new penalty of “banishment” against cyberstalkers or people found guilty of disseminating violent images, child pornography, pimping, Holocaust denial or even incitement to hatred. By decision of a judge, social networks will have to put in place mechanisms to suspend the accounts of these people and prevent the creation of new ones for a period of 6 months to 1 year in the event of a repeat offence.

Inspired by several parliamentary works, the bill includes other measures in the most diverse sectors of the digital economy. It must thus regulate the use of crypto-assets in online games in order to fight against money laundering, authorize Arcom to stop the broadcasting on a website of a foreign “propaganda” channel, or allow local authorities authorities to more easily regulate the rental of furnished tourist accommodation.

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