Cute father-daughter video: Pilot touches her parents’ feet before the flight

Watch the video: Sweet father-daughter moment – Indian pilot touches her parents’ feet before every flight.

A heartwarming father-daughter moment:

The Indian pilot Krutadnya Hale hugs her visibly touched father before departure – and touches his foot.

Touching the feet of an elder or superior is considered a sign of respect in India. In this way one asks for the blessing of this person. The person of respect then expresses their blessing by touching the head.

The pilot writes on Instagram:

“I never leave the house without my parents’ blessing. Sometimes I fly early in the morning (…) when my parents are fast asleep. Leaving our home without touching her feet would feel incomplete.”

Within a few days, the video was viewed more than eight million times. Numerous users comment on and spread the clip.

But the video is not the only insight the pilot gives into her everyday work.

On Instagram, she keeps sharing recordings from her professional life with her 118,000 followers.

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