Customs dog bites into drug seizure, suspect walks free from court

The customs dog Loustic did not seem to put his nose in the 25.5 kilos of cannabis resin found on March 17 in a box in Toulouse. At least it is, as revealed The Midi Dispatchwhich Morgane Dupoux, the suspect’s lawyer and tenant of the box, pleaded on Tuesday before the Toulouse court, arrested on March 28 in connection with this spectacular drug seizure.

She relied on the report of a police officer involved in the procedure to find the fingerprints or traces of DNA on the seals. The latter explains that he cannot operate because the “precautionary measures have not been respected” and in particular because of “the degradation of the products by the dog” of the customs officers.

The prosecution is appealing

On the basis of these declarations, but also, indicates Morgane Dupoux to 20 minutes“because the weighing of the drugs was not done in the rules since it took place neither in front of my client, nor in front of witnesses”, the lawyer raised a nullity in the procedure.

The court followed her. And his client, who arrived in court under judicial supervision, “came out free as air”. For now only. The prosecution has appealed this decision and the case of the box will return to court even if certain parts of the investigation are canceled.

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