CSU parliamentary group leader compares Aiwanger’s choice of words with right-wing extremists – Bavaria

The chairman of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, Thomas Kreuzer, compared the choice of words by Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) at a demonstration in Erding with that of right-wing extremists. Kreuzer referred in an interview to the Bavarian Radio above all to Aiwanger’s formulation that the silent majority must “take back democracy”. Aiwanger is not a radical, he is a “complete democrat,” said Kreuzer. “Nevertheless, that’s a diction that the right and right-wing extremists usually have and you should avoid it.”

Kreuzer also defended Aiwanger: The Free Voters party leader had repeatedly distanced himself from enemies of democracy. He said several times that he wanted nothing to do with the AfD. There are therefore no concerns about the coalition between the CSU and the Free Voters. Kreuzer also sees no reason for Aiwanger to resign. The Greens had called for the dismissal of the Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Kreuzer himself had already suggested that Aiwanger resign when the minister expressed skepticism about vaccinations during the corona pandemic.

The President of the State Parliament, Ilse Aigner (CSU), who had previously criticized Aiwanger for his choice of words, is now jumping to the side of the Economics Minister. Aiwanger certainly overdid it, she said on Saturday Bavarian radio. But Aiwanger is not an anti-democrat. The discussions about his statements in the past week were not a highlight of the culture of debate.

She described calls by the opposition Greens for Aiwanger’s dismissal as “campaign roar”. Overall, she notes a change in the culture of discussion in politics and also blames social media for this. “In order to appear in the public debate, one or the other is always tempted to step it up a notch, because then you will also be quoted,” said the President of the State Parliament.

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