CSD in Cologne – thousands celebrate the parade – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Thousands of visitors despite the rain

The parade was accompanied by numerous rainbow flags and colorful balloons CSD Started punctually on Sunday afternoon when it rained. This year, due to the corona, it led along the Rhine and not through the narrow old town. “We made a conscious decision to take this route because we have a lot more space on all sides and don’t have to go through the narrow streets of the city center.”, explains Uwe Weiler. The 3 G.

Rainbow flags as a sign of solidarity

In her greeting at the beginning of the demonstration, Bundestag Vice President Claudia Roth appealed for more cohesion and acceptance in society of all forms of life and love. The rainbow flag is a symbol of international solidarity with queer people who are discriminated against in their home countries.

At the final rally, Bundestag Vice President Claudia Roth turned her gaze to Afghanistan: “I think you are all like me, of course we think of the people in Afghanistan who are at the mercy of terrorism and this tragedy makes me incredibly angry, but we promise we will not forget the women, the children, the LGBTIQ community.”

CSD-Veedel around the Cologne Arena

The parade ended at the Cologne Arena. At the end there was a “CSD-Veedel “was built. In addition to the main stage, the 25,000 square meter outdoor area had a pick-and-nick meadow, a beer garden and many information stands. There would never have been more than 12,000 people on the large area around the arena at the same time. The security concept in the Veedel has worked, says board member Martin Hommel.

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