Crypto ATM Growth Drops Worldwide for First Time Ever

The domino effect of a prolonged bear market has extended to the ATM Crypto ecosystem, as of September 2022, global install growth was negative for the first time in history. This was mainly driven by a slowdown in the United States.

The total number of Crypto ATMs installed has dropped to 37,980 in September. from an all-time high of 38,776 units in August, resulting in a -2.05% drop followinginformationfrom CoinATMRadar

Number of Bitcoin machines installed. Source: CoinATMRadar.

Information on the Net Changes in Crypto ATM Installations confirmed that in September 796 Crypto ATMs were removed from the global network. The United States alone dropped 825, however, Europe, Canada and a few others have new installations in the area.

informationFrom the last 60 days indicated that Nearly 14 Crypto ATMs are installed worldwide per day, with Genesis Coin accounting for 40.3% of all Crypto ATMs, while others include General Bytes and BitAccess.

The sudden drop in Crypto ATM installations can be caused by political tensions and a range of factors including a lack of regulatory clarity and market uncertainty.

And although ATM Crypto installations will be temporarily affected due to external factors. But countries continue to show interest in having a working Crypto ATM within their own territory.

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