Cruises – Tui Cruises cancels St. Petersburg – economy

The cruise line Tui Cruises is removing the Russian port city of St. Petersburg from its program because of the Russian attack on Ukraine. “Against the background of the events, we have decided for ethical and moral reasons to adjust the timetables of our Baltic Sea cruises from May to October 2022,” said a spokeswoman for the shipping company. “We will no longer call at St. Petersburg.” Aida Cruises is likely to follow the move soon. In the coming days, the shipping company wants to “adjust the itinerary of our cruise ships in the 2022 summer season in the Baltic Sea region and inform our guests about the changes as soon as possible,” said a spokeswoman on request. “The safety and well-being of guests and crew is a top priority.” According to its own statements, the company Tui Cruises has already contacted alternative ports in the past few weeks.

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