Crucial gene for ASF infection discovered

The gene found could advance the development of effective cures for ASF infection or the breeding of resistant pig breeds.

Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 5:30 am

Reading time: 1 minute

As the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) announced last week, a team of scientists from the FLI and the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh investigated which genes are responsible for the multiplication of the ASF virus in pigs. Little is known about the functions of the viral proteins of the ASF virus. According to the FLI, the gene find is now providing important new insights into the biology of the ASF virus. These could serve as a basis for future research approaches. The development of effective remedies against ASF infections or the breeding of ASF-resistant pig breeds play an important role.

More on the topic

The African swine fever (ASF) pathogen has also reached Germany since mid-September 2020. We have put together for you here what that means, what precautions pig farmers need to take now and the latest information on distribution.”}],”promotedArticles”:[],”publishingDate”:”2021-08-24 10:30:00″,”additionalAuthors”:””,”authors”:[],”teaserImage”:”uri”:”\/imgs/3/2/4/1/7/6/3/ASP-2002c8cbe9bd27f6.JPG”,”copyright”:”top agrar”,”alt”:”Swine fever”,”width”:”1002″,”height”:”665″,”focus”:”Center”,”description”:”African swine fever threatens the entire pig market”, “image”:[]}],”user”:null}”>

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