Crozets come in a bold Savoyard version of rice pudding

In Chambery,

The French love pasta. Each year, 500,000 tons are consumed. Every Saturday noon, through its series “Pasta così! », 20 minutes teaches you how to cook your pasta well or introduces you to an original recipe. Today, heading for Chambéry where we make you discover the recipe for rice pudding style crozets.

No, crozets are not simply synonymous with croziflette brightening up our winter evenings. The emblematic small square pasta, produced in particular by Alpina Savoie in Chambéry, can even be made into an astonishing dessert. Namely a revisited version of the essential rice pudding, for which the crozets therefore replace the rice.

A recipe full of audacity presented to us on video by Alexandre Surplie, pastry chef at the restaurant The Savoyard in Chambery. This one suggests several variations of these milk crozets, with a subtlety in the preparation if you opt for a version with fruit: “You can then sweeten the milk that you bind with the crozets, unlike a version with caramel salted butter, or Granola or even caramelized hazelnuts”. As you will have understood, sugar management is a key point in the success of your milk crozets preparation.

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