Crown Princess Mette-Marit: The palace congratulates her 49th birthday

Crown Princess Mette Marit
The palace congratulates you on your 49th birthday

The Norwegian Crown Princess celebrates her 49th birthday.

© imago/PPE

“Hipp hooray!” Cheers the Norwegian royal family and publicly congratulates Crown Princess Mette-Marit on her birthday.

The Norwegian royal family congratulates its Crown Princess Mette-Marit on her 49th birthday. “Hip hooray!” is next to a party emoji on Friday on the royal Instagram page to see. It also says in the text to a picture that shows the princess smiling in a yellow summer dress leaning against a tree: “Congratulations to Crown Princess Mette-Marit, who is 49 years old today!”

The special thing about the photo is probably the relaxed smile of the future king’s wife. Because she had to cope with so many strokes of fate. In 2018 she had made the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis public and announced that she would take part in less public appointments. In the summer of 2011, her stepbrother was shot dead in the terrorist attack on the island of Utøya.

Many followers send their congratulations in Norwegian, German and English.

A member of the royal family for more than 20 years

Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon (49) met at a festival. They have been married since 2001. She brought her son Marius (25) into the marriage. Together the couple had a daughter and a son: Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway (18) and Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway (16).


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