Criticism of climate activists: “Elitist and self-righteous protest”

Status: 04/12/2023 2:34 p.m

With actions such as road blockades, the “Last Generation” wants to achieve immediate measures against climate change, among other things. There is massive criticism of the form of protest – now also from “Fridays for Future” and the Greens.

The climate protection movement “Fridays for Future” accuses the activists of the “last generation” of dividing society with their protest actions. “The climate crisis needs solutions for society as a whole, and we can only find and fight for them together and not by turning people against each other in everyday life,” spokeswoman Annika Rittmann told the dpa news agency.

The blockades in Hamburg particularly affected commuters “who can neither afford to live in downtown Hamburg nor use public transport due to the lack of expansion. The same is to be feared in Berlin.” “Fridays for Future” has always relied on other forms of protest for good reason.

The climate demos of “Fridays for Future” were inspired by the Swede Greta Thunberg, who first sat down in August 2018 for a “school strike for the climate” in front of the parliament in Stockholm.

Greens: Don’t alienate people with actions

There was also criticism of the “last generation” from the Greens parliamentary group. With their “elitist and self-righteous protest”, the “last generation” is doing the opposite of what is needed in the current situation, “namely a broad movement in society for consistent climate protection policy,” said the parliamentary director, Irene Mihalic, of the dpa .

“Climate change is man-made, so it needs people if we want to stop it as best we can. We shouldn’t alienate them with actions that make everyday life even more difficult,” says Mihalic. “Fridays for Future”, on the other hand, had succeeded, especially in the time before Corona, in bringing a large number of people onto the streets who would have represented the broad spectrum of society.

“Last Generation” announces blockades in Berlin

The “Last Generation” is making a name for itself with street blockades, but also with other controversial actions, for example in museums. Activists of the group had the beginning of Easter travel in Hamburg hindered in important places – about before the Elbe tunnel.

In the last week of April, the group wants to block streets in Berlin until May. “From Monday, April 24th, we will peacefully bring Berlin to a standstill with street blockades,” says the website. A meeting is planned for the afternoon of April 23 at the Brandenburg Gate.

The activists are calling for a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour on German autobahns and a permanent 9-euro ticket for buses and trains as immediate measures against the impending “climate collapse”.

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