Crime: USA: Police arrest suspects after birthday party

USA: Police arrest suspects after birthday party

Candles with the names of the four youths killed in the shooting and teddy bears in graduation caps stand outside the Mahogany Masterpiece dance studio in Dadeville, Alabama. photo

© Kimberly Chandler/AP/dpa

Four people were killed during the celebration on Saturday, and four other victims are still in mortal danger. Police have now arrested a third suspect in the case.

Police in the US state of Alabama have arrested three suspects in connection with the fatal shooting at a birthday party.

The third person is a 20-year-old man who was caught by the police on Wednesday afternoon, the police said. Two youths aged 17 and 16 were arrested on Tuesday, said Jeremy Burkett of the local police. All three have been charged with murder.

The act of violence in the town of Dadeville had caused horror. Four people were killed and many others injured at a youth birthday party on Saturday night. Four victims are still in mortal danger, it was said.

The police did not provide any information about the possible motive or the background. The incident in the town of around 3,000 residents occurred at a girl’s 16th birthday party. Rampages and shootings are part of everyday life in the USA.


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