Crime: Trial against “nursery dealer” begins

Trial against “nursery dealer” begins

The accused “nursery dealer” before the start of the trial in the courtroom of the district court. photo

© Peter Endig/dpa

In 2015, a young man known as a “nursery dealer” was convicted. Now he is back in court, again it comes to drug trafficking.

A man known as a “nursery dealer” will have to appear in court again on Monday for drug trafficking. Together with four co-accused, he is said to have sold 16.5 kilograms of amphetamine, 2.5 kilograms of hashish, two kilograms of a party drug, 500 grams of methamphetamine and 350 grams of cocaine in and outside of Germany. In 2015, the 27-year-old from Leipzig was sentenced to seven years in prison for drug trafficking. In 2019 he was released again.

According to the court, he had sold almost a ton of drugs procured via the Darknet via an online exchange he had set up – packaged and shipped from the children’s room at home in Leipzig.

In the upcoming trial, four men between the ages of 24 and 42 are accused of being involved in the business from April 2019 to January 2021. According to the court, the 27-year-old main defendant was the head and leader of the quintet that is said to have traded the drugs via an online shop.

The start before the district court in Leipzig was originally planned for December 2nd. Shortly beforehand, however, the court announced that neither the court nor the parties to the proceedings were aware of the newly submitted documents. In order to ensure a fair process, they should be able to be viewed and checked. Later the beginning was postponed again. The chamber has set a total of 18 hearings. A verdict is not expected before the end of June.

The story of the “nursery dealer” was the template for a project by the streaming provider Netflix: the series “How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”, which now has three seasons.


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