Crime series: “Tatort” with Udo Lindenberg is coming to Christmas

Crime series
“Tatort” with Udo Lindenberg is coming for Christmas

Udo Lindenberg makes it exciting at Christmas. Photo: Georg Wendt / dpa

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That should be an exciting affair: Florian Silbereisen vs. Udo Lindenberg. Who will be ahead in the odds?

In the traditional quota duel between ZDF “Traumschiff” and ARD “Tatort” on Boxing Day, Florian Silbereisen has to deal with Udo Lindenberg this year. That emerges from the now published programming of the First for December 26th.

Detlev Buck (“Männerpension”, “Knallhart”) directed the crime thriller entitled “Everything comes back”. “Tatort” star Maria Furtwängler helped develop the script for the solo case of her popular character Charlotte Lindholm. Furtwängler also acted as a co-producer for the first time.

“During my long time as an actress, the desire has grown to deal with film projects more intensely and at an earlier stage and to develop my own stories,” she says in the press materials belonging to the crime thriller.


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