Crime scene Görlitzer Park – Panorama

According to a report, in Görlitzer Park of daily mirror Significantly more criminal offenses were registered than in other green spaces in the city. On request, the Berlin police listed the number for the larger parks in the capital for the past two and a half years. According to this, the authorities in Görli registered a total of 1571 crimes in 2021, and 1567 in 2022.

For the current year 2023, the police counted 949 offenses up to the beginning of August. That is about as many crimes as have been registered in all other parks combined. The most common offenses included drug trafficking and residence violations, it said. One reason for the high number of registered crimes could be the more frequent controls.

For the police, Görlitzer Park and the adjacent Wrangelkiez have been a focal point for many years due to the level of crime. A spokeswoman for the Senate interior administration pointed out in the report that the park is in the middle of a densely built-up residential area, in the immediate vicinity of many bars and clubs.

An alleged rape at the park on June 21 involving several men has sparked renewed discussion about safety measures at the park. According to the police, however, a similar number of sexual offenses are registered in the Görli as in other parks. The alleged rape is the only sexual offense in the park so far this year and the only one of the registered rapes that happened in public space. According to the police, other crimes occurred in private rooms in the surrounding neighborhood.

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