Crime: No new findings after the arson attack in Bautzen

No new findings after the arson attack in Bautzen

Unknowns carried out an arson attack on planned asylum accommodation in Bautzen early on Friday morning. The first refugees should move into the house next week. photo

© Paul Glaser/dpa

According to Prime Minister Kretschmer, the clarification of the arson attack on a refugee accommodation in Bautzen has the highest priority. There are probably “good traces”, but no new findings.

After the arson attack on a planned refugee accommodation in Bautzen, the investigations of the State Criminal Police Office have remained without new findings.

The political pressure is high, but it could still be a few days before new findings are available, said a spokesman for the LKA on Monday at the request of the German Press Agency. On Friday morning, previously unknown perpetrators had set a fire in a former hotel outside of the Saxon city. Four people who were in the building were unharmed.

During a visit to the crime scene, an LKA spokesman said that there was “good evidence”. Saxony’s Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) also got an idea on site. He spoke of an “inhuman” act and emphasized that he wanted to find the perpetrators quickly and hold them accountable. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer spoke of a disgusting act. The CDU politician announced that the clarification had “top priority”.

Refugees were to move into the building on a reservoir in a few days. According to the district office, the families come from Syria, North Macedonia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Georgia and the Russian Federation. According to the city, the four people who were in the house on Friday were employees of the hotel owner.

Pyrotechnics on accommodation in Neukieritzsch

Meanwhile, strangers also threw a firecracker on the property of a refugee shelter in Neukieritzsch, Saxony. People of different nationalities are housed there, the police said at the request of the German Press Agency. No one was injured by the pyrotechnics. No damage was caused to the building during the incident on Monday night either. The investigation in the case had been handed over to the criminal police. So far there is no information on the perpetrators.


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