Crime: injured in knife and arson attack on Tokyo railway

Injured in knife and arson attack on Tokyo railway

Tokyo skyline. Photo: Jan Woitas / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

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Horror on Halloween on a train in Tokyo. A man stabs himself with a knife and sets a fire. Panic breaks out. Several people are injured. It is not the first such incident on Tokyo’s trains.

In Japan, a knife attacker described as a «Joker» started fire on a train and injured at least ten people on Halloween. The police arrested the 24-year-old man at the scene, as reported by Japanese media.

He is said to have attacked passengers with a knife in a compartment on the Keio line in Tokyo, spilled an oily liquid and set it on fire. An elderly man was struck by the knife and passed out. Other victims also suffered minor injuries from the smoke.

The motive of the perpetrator, who is said to have been disguised as “Joker” in the Batman film, was initially unclear. He is charged with attempted murder.

Dramatic scenes

Late in the evening, dramatic scenes took place at Kokuryo station in Tokyo’s Chufu district, where the train came to an unscheduled stop after an emergency brake. Many people saved themselves through the windows of the train and climbed outside. On smartphone footage from inside the train, which was broadcast on Japanese television, passengers escaped through the corridors of the compartments, while thick smoke and fire could be seen in the background.

“I heard a loud bang and saw flames and smoke behind me. Everyone panicked, ”one passenger told reporters. “I thought I was dying,” said a woman to the Japanese television station NHK. Numerous fire engines and rescue workers quickly arrived in front of the station, and access was blocked.

The police broke into the compartment where the man was sitting. He is said to have not resisted his arrest. It was initially unclear what the liquid was that the perpetrator allegedly spilled with a plastic bottle. Police denied reports that it was an acid.

Not an isolated case

In recent years there have been repeated attacks on trains and at train stations in Tokyo. In August, two people were injured on a subway train when a man splashed acid on another man’s face. One day before the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, a man stabbed ten passengers at random. According to the media, the perpetrator told the police after his arrest that he wanted to attack women who looked happy.

On March 20, 1995, members of the end-time sect “Aum Shinrikyo” stabbed plastic bags with sarin on several trains in Tokyo and released the nerve gas sarin. 13 people died and more than 6,000 were injured.

After the world’s first terrorist attack with poison gas, Japan carried out all 13 death sentences against the sect’s founder, Shoko Asahara, and twelve of his followers in 2018. Regardless of these incidents, the number three in the world economy continues to enjoy the reputation of being one of the safest countries in the world.


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