Crime: ICE knife attack: Islamist motive not excluded

ICE knife attack: Islamist motive not excluded

The knife attack took place in this ICE. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa

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Four people were injured, some seriously. Why did the man stab in the ICE? Investigators found IS propaganda videos on the accused.

After the knife attack in the ICE Passau-Hamburg, the investigators no longer rule out an Islamist background for the act.

The public prosecutor in Munich announced that propaganda videos from the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) were found on the accused. In addition, content on the 27-year-old’s Facebook account points in this direction.

On November 6, the man suddenly attacked fellow passengers with a knife on the train and injured four people, some seriously. After an initial assessment by an expert, the investigators initially assumed that the man had delusional ideas and that his culpability had been suspended at the time of the crime. The man is housed in a psychiatric clinic.


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