Crime: Eleven-year-old is said to have killed girls in a children’s home

Eleven-year-old allegedly killed girl in children’s home

Candles and flowers on a wall in front of the child and youth welfare center in Wunsiedel, where the ten-year-old was found dead. photo

© Daniel Vogl/dpa

In the case of the dead girl in Wunsiedel, the police and the public prosecutor present the results of the investigation. A boy is responsible. The girl is said to have been raped beforehand – by a burglar.

A girl, ten years old, dies violently in one children’s home. A boy of almost the same age is said to have killed it. And before that, it is said to have been raped by a 25-year-old burglar. As incredible as that sounds, these are the results of the investigation that the public prosecutor’s office and police presented on Tuesday in the case of a child killed in Wunsiedel in early April.

However, only the rape and the burglary can be legally processed. The public prosecutor’s office holds a 25-year-old German responsible for both. The charges have been filed, now it’s up to the district court in Hof. At eleven, the boy is too young to be punished for the crime attributed to him. The responsible authorities would have to decide how to proceed for him, said Matthias Goers from the public prosecutor’s office in Hof. According to the findings, he strangled the girl, previously the two children had argued. What it was about was initially left open. If there is a hearing, the boy may have to be there as a witness.

At the beginning of April in Wunsiedel: The news that a girl died violently in the quiet children’s and youth home shocked far beyond the borders of the region. What happened behind the walls of the facility that was supposed to protect children? A Soko with 40 employees set about clarifying the case. The eleven-year-old boy and the 25-year-old, who has been in custody since the end of April, were targeted. The man is also said to have broken into five construction containers since the beginning of 2022.

For another burglary, he is said to have gained access to the children’s home on April 4th at night through an open bathroom window. There he accidentally met the eleven-year-old and then the girl. He is said to have raped the child. The public prosecutor did not want to say whether the 25-year-old and the eleven-year-old already knew each other.

Was the children’s home protected well enough?

When the man had left the facility, it is said that there was a dispute between the children. “The accused cannot be proven to have participated in the killing of the ten-year-old girl,” said the police and the public prosecutor. The investigations have confirmed the suspicion that the eleven-year-old boy killed the girl.

The 25-year-old accused “confessed to a large extent” to the crimes he is accused of. The fact that someone was able to gain access to a children’s home naturally raises the question of whether the facility was protected well enough. In this context, Goers referred to criminal charges that had been received. So far, however, nothing “criminal relevant” has been determined.

The body responsible for the facility, the Catholic youth welfare service of the Diocese of Regensburg (KJF), announced that a member of the crisis management team would continue to be available for discussions with the relatives of the girl who was killed. The other children and young people in the facility as well as the staff would continue to be accompanied and cared for.

Children who kill other children – these are cases that leave you speechless and helpless. In March, two 12- and 13-year-old girls confessed to having stabbed 12-year-old Luisa to death in Freudenberg, North Rhine-Westphalia. Both are not yet of criminal age, so there will be no legal proceedings in this case either.


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