Crime: dead in shooting in Copenhagen shopping center

Shot dead in Copenhagen shopping center

Rescuers behind a privacy fence. Photo: Olafur Steinar Gestsson/Ritzau Scanpix Photo/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Several people have been killed in a Copenhagen shopping mall. There are also several injured, said police chief inspector Søren Thomassen on Sunday evening at a press conference in the Danish capital. He did not initially provide any further details.

Several people have been killed in a Copenhagen shopping mall. There are also several injured, said police chief inspector Søren Thomassen on Sunday evening at a press conference in the Danish capital. He did not initially provide any further details.

A suspect has been arrested. It is a 22-year-old Dane. It is too early to say anything about the motive. It was initially unclear whether the alleged perpetrator had accomplices. Thomassen said the agency is continuing to investigate and is working hard to secure the site.

The previous information is associated with uncertainty, said Thomassen. He spoke of a kind of chaos phase. The police were alerted at around 5:30 p.m. and are still on the scene with strong forces. Thomassen said that one is investigating an incident in which one cannot rule out that it could have been terrorism. The press conference was repeatedly interrupted by the wailing of sirens from patrol cars driving by, and a helicopter was also in action in the air.

Eyewitnesses had reported several shots. People fled the building in the south of the Danish capital in panic, according to pictures and amateur videos.


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