Crime: Dead and injured after shooting in Baltimore

Dead and injured after shooting in Baltimore

After the shooting, police cordoned off the crime scene in the Brooklyn Homes neighborhood of baltimore. photo

© Uncredited/Baltimore Police Department/AP/dpa

Another shocking case of gun violence in the USA: after a district festival in Baltimore, shootings erupt and two young people lose their lives.

At gunfire in US city Two people were killed and 28 injured in Baltimore on Sunday night. According to the first findings of the police in the east coast metropolis, there were a total of 30 gunshot victims. An 18-year-old was found dead by the emergency services, a 20-year-old later succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. Some of the injured came independently to nearby hospitals. The victims were of different ages, it said.

The responsible police commissioner Richard Worley spoke early Sunday morning of an “extensive crime scene” in the Brooklyn Homes district in the south of the city. He called on the population to report information about the crime.

Following emergency calls, the emergency services at the scene found numerous victims wounded by gunshots. The homicide squad took over the investigation. There was initially no further information about the background or suspects. It was unclear whether it was a one-sided attack or an exchange of fire. Eyewitnesses told Fox Baltimore that there were 20 to 30 shots. According to media reports, hundreds of people gathered in the area on Saturday evening for an annual “Brooklyn Day” celebration.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott described the incident as a “reckless, cowardly act.” The tragedy underscores the need to address the proliferation of illegal guns on the streets, said Scott, who is committed to ending gun violence. The mayor also addressed those responsible directly in front of the media cameras: “We will not stop until we have found you – and we will find you.”


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