Crime: Convicted murderer takes off ankle shackles and escapes

Convicted murderer takes off ankle shackles and escapes

Ralf H. is being searched for. Photo: Bernd Thissen / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The search is on for Ralf .: He took off his ankle cuffs shortly before the execution of his custody and has since disappeared.

The police are still looking for a convicted murderer who took off his ankle bracelets before entering custody and who has fled.

A police spokeswoman said a lot of leads had been received. The man can no longer be found. According to the investigators, he is apparently accompanied by his partner. The police are looking for their getaway car.

Ralf H. (56) was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Dortmund Regional Court in January of this year, 27 years after the violent death of Nicole Schalla, who was then 16 years old. Because the judiciary saw no risk of escape and the verdict was not yet final, the German remained free after the guilty verdict and was given an ankle cuff.

As a spokesman for the public prosecutor said on Wednesday, the judgment became final a few days ago after a decision by the Federal Court of Justice.

The public prosecutor’s office was informed on Tuesday, whereupon they wanted to have the detention carried out. On Tuesday evening Ralf H. took off his ankle cuffs in Münster and disappeared. According to dpa information, the public prosecutor’s office in Münster is also checking to obtain an arrest warrant against Ralf H.’s partner as an escape helper. A spokesman for the authority did not want to comment on Thursday.


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