Crime: Attackers injured six people in Paris North Station

Attackers injured six people in the Paris Nord station

Gérald Darmanin, France’s Minister of the Interior, thanks the helpers after an attack in Paris. photo

© Christophe Gateau/dpa

Sudden panic in Paris Gare du Nord: A knife attacker injured six people in the morning rush hour. Two off-duty police officers incapacitated the perpetrator with shots.

In France, which has been repeatedly shaken by attacks, it comes as a shock: a knife attacker injured six people, one of them seriously, in the Gare du Nord international train station in Paris. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said two police officers put the attacker out of action with several shots.

The perpetrator was taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries. His motive was initially unclear, and there were no indications of terrorism for the time being. According to the broadcaster BFMTV and the newspaper “Le Parisien”, the young man comes from Libya and was asked to leave France last summer. He was therefore known to the authorities for property crimes.

Among the injured, a police officer who stopped the perpetrator

The attack in the station building came suddenly at 6:42 a.m., said police spokeswoman Loubna Atta. Two off-duty officers “intervened with a cool head and professionally.” The fact that the police presence in train stations was increased some time ago has paid off. According to the interior minister, one of the border police officers who stopped the perpetrator was among the injured. The minister thanked the emergency services “for their efficient and courageous reaction”. The police fired three shots.

Suddenly there was panic in the station, people ran away, said the traveler Lilie, who actually wanted to run to her train to Amsterdam, the RTL broadcaster. Just a few meters away, she saw the perpetrator attack his first victim with considerable force. She then helped bring the shocked and bleeding victim to safety. When she heard the shots, she knew the situation was under control.

The attack was also a topic of conversation for staff and travelers on the ICE from Germany to Paris in the morning. The trains from Germany partly go to the Gare du Nord, the larger part drives to the adjacent Ostbahnhof Gare de L’Est.


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