Crime: Arrested for drug offenses: Man dies in cell

Arrested for drug offenses: Man dies in cell

The police in Hagen arrested a man. A short time later he lies dead in his cell. (icon image) photo

© Friso Gentsch/dpa

The police take a 47-year-old into custody. A short time later, officers find the man motionless in the cell. The ambulance couldn’t help anymore.

A 47-year-old man died early Saturday morning in police custody at the Hagen police headquarters. There are currently no indications of third-party debt, such as the Hagen public prosecutor’s office and the Wuppertal police announced on Saturday.

Officials checked the 47-year-old in downtown Hagen on Friday evening and found that there was an arrest warrant against him. The man was known to the police for narcotics crimes. The officers arrested the man and took him to a cell in the Hagen police headquarters.

Early on Saturday morning – about four and a half hours after the arrest – the officer on duty noticed that the 47-year-old was lying motionless in the cell. Resuscitation measures and the emergency doctor who rushed to the scene were no longer able to help. The cause of death was initially unclear, and an autopsy was ordered for Monday.


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