Crime: Another threat of amok at Gelsenkirchen school

Again threat of amok at Gelsenkirchen school

After an amok threat, the police evacuated a school in Gelsenkirchen last Wednesday. photo

© Markus Gayk/dpa

Within a few days, well before school starts, another e-mail is received announcing a shooting attack. The school is closed and classes are cancelled.

For the second time in three days, an unknown person has threatened a shooting attack at a Gelsenkirchen comprehensive school. The threat was received well before school started and – as the first time on Wednesday – by e-mail, said a police spokesman. The principal canceled classes for Friday in good time. There are no students on site and there are enough police forces.

After the first amok threat on Wednesday morning, the police evacuated the school in Gelsenkirchen. All students and teachers had been taken to safety, the police had said. Since there was no acute danger on site, the students could have left the building in an orderly manner and did not have to hole up in their classrooms. The police were also deployed with special forces.

The investigation into the sender of the amok threats continues.


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