Crime: 55-year-old receives maximum sentence for murder at Würmsee

55-year-old receives maximum sentence for murder at Würmsee

The verdict in the murder trial of a missing woman is expected at the Hanover regional court. photo

© Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

It’s a horror story: a masked man is said to have entered a 56-year-old’s arbor at night and stabbed her to death in her bed. Now the maximum penalty has been imposed.

After the disappearance of a woman at Würmsee near Hanover, a 55-year-old is responsible Murder was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Hanover Regional Court also determined the particular severity of the guilt.

This means that it is almost impossible for the man to be released from prison after 15 years. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

The judges were convinced that the German from Warburg in East Westphalia attacked a 56-year-old woman living alone in her arbor on Würmsee in Burgwedel on the night of September 11, 2022. The defendant stabbed the unsuspecting and defenseless woman lying in her bed in order to exert power, said the presiding judge. He abused her purely as an object to discharge his urges and to increase his self-worth.

Defendant remained silent during the trial

The victim’s body has not yet been found. The defendant remained silent about the allegations during the trial, but according to the court, numerous evidence such as blood and DNA traces convicted him as the perpetrator.

He was also convicted of aggravated robbery and grievous bodily harm. A few days before the killing at Lake Würmsee, he attacked an elderly woman in Warburg and threw her to the ground. With the verdict, the court largely followed the prosecutor’s request. The defense, however, argued for an acquittal.


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