Crime: 17-year-old dies after accident – police suspect homicide

17-year-old dies after accident – police suspect homicide

The police are investigating a homicide in Kiel. photo

© Lino Mirgeler/dpa

On Wednesday afternoon, a car with two young people crashed into a second car in front of the New Kiel Town Hall. There are several injured. But it doesn’t seem to be a normal traffic accident.

A teenager who is in a mysterious situation The person who was fatally injured in the accident in Kiel had already been seriously injured. The police are therefore investigating a homicide, as they announced on Thursday in Kiel. “The woman had injuries that cannot be reconciled with the accident,” a spokesman for the Kiel public prosecutor’s office told the German Press Agency.

The spokesman initially did not want to say what type of injuries they had. The investigation also indicated that the 17-year-old was taken away in the vehicle against her will and that the traffic accident then occurred in Kiel’s city center area.

The 19-year-old driver of the car in which the 17-year-old teenager was sitting has been temporarily arrested. The German is scheduled to be brought before the youth judge on Thursday. He is currently in hospital and is not yet ready for questioning.

17-year-old died on the way to the hospital

In the accident on Wednesday afternoon, the 19-year-old’s car collided with another at an intersection near the New Town Hall. The two men sitting in the other car were slightly injured. The car involved in the accident did not belong to the 19-year-old.

According to initial findings, the two young people knew each other. But they are not related to each other, according to the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. According to the information, there were previously disputes in an apartment in the Gaarden district.

The young woman was resuscitated on the spot after the accident. However, she died a short time later on the way to the hospital.


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