Crime: 12-year-old shot – Life for three men

12-year-old shot dead – Life sentence for three men

People stand next to flowers and candles in a parking lot where 12-year-old Adriana was shot dead in a passing car (2020). photo

© Ali Lorestani/TT NEWS AGENCY via AP/dpa

A 12-year-old is shot dead on the street. She is said to have fallen victim to a conflict between rival gangs. A court in Sweden has now passed a verdict.

Three men have been sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden for, among other things, the murder of a twelve-year-old girl. They were also convicted of attempted murder of seven other people in the same incident and other offences, the Södertörn District Court south of Stockholm announced on Wednesday. Two of these seven people were the actual targets of the perpetrators.

The defendants had denied the crime. According to the TT news agency, the lawyers for two of them have already announced that they want to appeal the verdict.

Twelve-year-old Adriana was shot and killed on August 2, 2020 in the municipality of Botkyrka south of Stockholm near a gas station from a passing car while walking her dog. She is said to have fallen victim to a conflict between rival gangs in the area. The case led to great bewilderment in Sweden, also because the Scandinavian EU country has been struggling with rampant gang crime for a long time, in which bystanders are repeatedly caught in the line of fire.


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