Credefi IDO details on CardStarter

The Credefi IDO on CardStarter is one of the most important steps in the project journey.

Why do IDO with Launchpad?

While other projects choose to do direct listings or IEOs, Credefi believes that IDOs via Launchpad are good for the larger community. It decided to partner with CardStarter, the leading launchpad on Cardano, and worked with a team of professionals to drive Credefi’s successful IDOs.

The launch with Cardano’s premier launchpad is in line with the long-term vision for Credefi to be cross-chain capable and welcome users from all leading ecosystems.

Why CardStarter?

CardStarter is the first launchpad to support Cardano-related projects and has an experienced and highly competent team in delivering world-class IDOs. Credefi is excited to join the family of projects launched on CardStarter. It plays an important role in the Cardano ecosystem, including Gero Wallet, CHARLI3, Paribus, MatrixSwap, and many more.

Projects launched on CardStarter have excellent post-IDO performance, as shown in the table below.

IDO details

  • Tokens for public sale: 30,000,000 (3% of total supply)
  • Price: $0.014
  • Token Release: 34% unlocked at TGE, 33% unlocked in 1 month, 33% after 2 months.
  • Total public sales: $420,000
  • Value of both private and public sales: $2,195,000
  • Initial market cap: $756,000 ($54 million CREDI token)
  • Total token volume: 1,000,000,000

The whitelist registration will be open and running until November 3rd, so stay tuned. Twitter and Telegram For the latest news on the whitelist process and the IDO on November 8th

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The post Credefi IDO details on CardStarter appeared first on Bitcoin Addict.

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